Supplying artwork to us for print:
Our prefered file type for print is an Adobe PDF file in CMYK colour or a vectored EPS file in RGB colour for using as a cut file. We will also accept Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign and Quark files.
If supplying your own artwork: images should be at 300dpi at full scale. It is also useful to convert all fonts to oulines / curves in addition to supplying the font(s). Colours should be in CMYK format. We can accept files for use on both PC and MAC platforms.
If you have any difficulties supplying your artwork please feel free to call us.
Don't worry if you haven't got or can't supply any of the above because we can help - See below.
Remember - we can cater for your every requirement and all at one place making it easy for you.
Call us on 01733 341 556 during business hours to find out more or send us an email with a description of what you need.
Bespoke creative and graphic design services:
Design aware companies that invest in good design consistently out perform those who do not.*
JE Design has great industry experience at producing successful design that has helped greatly improve business. With clients that range from the likes of Bauer Media, IPC Media and the NHS to small companies and sole traders, we have a soild understanding of what works.
It doesn't cost anything to talk to us and we offer a friendly design consultation that is free of charge. Our aim is to provide an unrivalled graphic design service that is as creative as it is cost effective. Our work is based on either an hourly or daily rate - which ever best suits your requirements. All our fees are agreed before we start a project and when it's finished you won't find any hidden extras - just great results.
We can help in all kinds of areas including design for:
Advertising | Branding | Business Stationery | Brochures | Corporate Identity
And also produce design for visual communications such as:
Site / Retail Signage | Exhibition Panels | Vehicle Livery | PVC Banners | Roll Banners | POP-UP Systems
We make it easy to get everything you need - contact us today for a no obligation quote.
*Information source - Design Council.